What do you want to accomplish this year? What are your dreams, goals, desires? For the most part, when people are thinking up new Year’s resolution ideas, they tend to lean towards four main life categories that they want to improve on:
When it comes to achieving goals, it’s important to write them down and have a clear vision for what you really want. saying “I want more money this year”, or “I want to lose weight” is great, but it’s best to be specific about your goals.
Write down exactly how much more money you want to earn, and how much weight you actually want to lose. What would that feel like? What would you do with more money? Why do you want to lose weight?
The more detailed and specific you are about your new Year’s resolutions, the more likely you are to achieve them.
In this article, I’ll share my top 25 new Year’s resolution ideas and tools to help you earn more money, travel more (for less), learn new skills and boost your overall health.
Note: This article has been updated for 2022 and includes more new Year’s resolution ideas to help you lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here’s to a terrific year ahead!
New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Earning more Money
New Year’s Resolutions: how To travel More
New Year’s Resolution Ideas: learning new Things
New Year’s Resolution Ideas: For healthy Living
Put These simple new Year’s Resolution ideas into Action
New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Earning more Money
This is the #1 resolution for most people. who doesn’t want to earn more money? more cash equals more freedom.
Whether you want to make more money so you can go travelling, pay off your debt or make a big purchase, this list will help you put some extra cash in the bank.
Online Surveys
Want to sit around in your pajamas, with a cup of coffee in hand and make money? Paid online surveys are probably the easiest side hustle out there. You won’t become a millionaire, but all you have to do is answer surveys or watch TV in order to get paid.
Every penny counts when it comes to saving money.
There are many spammy sites out there, but these are some of the legitimate ones (note, for some paid online surveys, you must be in a specific location, ie: the USA):
SwagBucks (earn $10 just for signing up)
Springboard America
Check out our full list of paid online surveys and start earning some easy money in the new year.
Work Remotely
If remote work is one of your new Year’s resolution ideas, then you’ll want to check out this website.
There are some freelance jobs and part-time work listed on FlexJobs, but this platform will also connect you with well-known companies that are looking to hire remote employees full-time. These are well-paying jobs!
As with anything online, there are numerous scams out there. FlexJobs handpicks and siphons through all of the junk and only posts the legitimate jobs.
There are over 50 different career categories available, from marketing and account management to medical and engineering, there’s bound to be a job that fits your skillset.
Click here to learn more about FlexJobs. If you sign up before January 9, 2022, use promo code NEWYEAR to receive 50% off the membership. After that, use promo code NOMAD when you sign up and receive 30% off the membership fee.
For more ideas, have a look at this list of 15 best remote job sites to find your dream job. And, have a look at our best tips for working remotely.
Find continuous Freelance Work
Working as a freelancer is great, but with that comes insecurity about your salary — which is constantly fluctuating.
Crush the feast/famine cycle this year. rather than finding a few one-off jobs, wouldn’t you rather be fully booked? solid Gigs offers freelancers just that, solid gigs!
The team manually searches through over 100 job boards to find the top 1% of freelance work available. Then, they send you a list of the best straight to your inbox on Tuesdays.
Plus, you’ll receive access to 100 premium video and written lessons, and interviews with expert freelancers. Spreadsheets, templates and other tools are also available to help you succeed.
If you’re a designer, developer, writer, or marketer, you’ll find jobs suited to your skills on solid Gigs. sign up here and enter the code GOATS2 to receive your first month for just $2.
If solid Gigs doesn’t resonate with you, there are many more sites out there. have a look at these top freelance websites for beginners, or the popular Upwork website.
Read our insider’s review of Upwork and if you’rea freelancer, you’ll want to make sure you have your own freelance website to promote what you offer.
Looking for more Freelance articles?
20 best Time management tools For Freelancers
How To Make money As A Freelance social media Manager
10 ways To Make money As A graphic Designer
How To Make money On Upwork: An Expert’s Review
10 High-Paying online Jobs
How To create a Freelance website (Step by step Guide)
Start a Blog
How could I not put this on the list? In my opinion, this is one of the best new Year’s resolution ideas out there.
We want to help you start a blog, share your knowledge with the world, and earn some money.
We write about travel and making money on the road. But, a blog can be about any topic: parenting, pets, crafts, food, fashion, tech…the list goes on. have a look at these top-earning blog topics and genres.
If you are knowledgeable and passionate about a particular subject, start a blog, and start making more money this year.
One of my favourite offices – blogging in Lagos, Portugal at our apartment
Can’t think of a blog name? That’s fine, you can start your website and come up with the name later on.
As a bonus, if you start your blog through this link, we’ll send you our Beginner’s blogging Course, blogging tips ebook and SEO checklist for free. Plus, you’ll be added to our VIP Facebook Group.
Update 2022: once you’ve started your blog, the next thing to think about is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You can have the best message in the world, and have the most useful information to share, but if that content doesn’t rank in Google, hardly anyone will see it.
We’ve put together the SEO Made simple multimedia course that includes video, PDF downloads, worksheets, and access to our private Facebook group. check out this one-hour SEO tutorial, which is actionable, and completely free.
Se også:
10 expert tips To become a (Successful) Blogger
10 most important steps For a new Blog
How travel blogging changed Our Lives: Our journey to financial Freedom
Teach A Language
These days, you don’t actually have to move abroad to teach foreign students. You can do so from the comfort of your home. Teach English online and make money from anywhere that has a solid wi-fi connection.
Unfortunately, the higher-paying online teaching jobs from China have been cancelled. However, there are still some terrific companies that you can teach with. have a look at PrePly, Cambly, Outschool, Teachable and Profy.
For those of you from other countries who want to become online teachers, you’ll want to either check out this post, set up a profile with Skillshare, or have a look at Italki.
Note: most of the high-paying teaching companies require you to have a TEFL certificate. MyTEFL is the cheapest 120-hour certificate. use promo code GOATS35 at checkout to receive 35% off. Or, have a look at our list of the top 7 best TEFL courses Online.
Se også:
Teach English Online: top 10 companies That Pay
10 companies That let You teach English online Without a Degree
10 things To know before becoming An online English Teacher
List Your home on Airbnb
Airbnb is a game-changer for travellers and homeowners. It has opened up opportunities for people to make some extra cash on the side, and to connect with people.
Whether you want to rent out a room in your home, list one of your investment properties, or rent out your house while you’re away on holiday, Airbnb is the best platform to do so.
Depending on which part of the world you live in (and which city), you can make a lot of money on the side by renting out your home and becoming an Airbnb host.
Click here to learn more about becoming an Airbnb host and add it to your list of new Year’s resolution ideas.
Se også:
10 best Airbnbs in Paris
Top 10 unique Airbnb Properties around The World
The Airbnb Scam Travellers need To know About
Become an Uber Driver
This is one of the best ways to earn some cash on the side. If you work during the week, you can pick up shifts on the weekend. If you work during the day, you can drive in the evenings.
You are your own boss and choose your own schedule. and obviously, the more driving you do, the more money you will make.
On average, in the United States, Uber drivers earn between $8 – $11 / hour after accounting for driving costs. If you live in new York, Uber drivers earn around $29 / hour!
The amount of money you’ll earn really depends on which city you live in, which hours of the day you are driving, how many passengers you pick up pertime osv.
Klik her for at lære mere om at blive en uber driver.
Opret dit eget online kursus
Online kurser er populære lige nu. Vi selv har oprettet to online kurser, som omfatter video tutorials og downloadables.
For dem af jer, der nemt vil oprette et kursus og lære verden en bestemt færdighed, kan lærer være platformen for dig.
Dybest set, hvis du er vidende om ethvert emne (kunst, tech, kulinarisk, design osv.) Du kan skabe professionelle online kurser og sælge dem til dine elever. Lærbar gør det utroligt nemt at oprette, redigere, uploade og sælge. Det er all-in-one kursusbyggeren.
Dette er den platform, vi personligt bruger til vores kurser, og vi anbefaler det. Klik her for at lære mere og blive en kursuslærer i år med lærerig. Eller kig på vores artikel, der lister de 7 bedste platforme til at sælge online kurser.
Se flere måder at tjene penge online i 2022 i vores artikel her.
Nytårs resolutioner: Sådan rejser du mere
Mens verden måske ikke er så tilgængelig som den engang var, åbner flere og flere grænser og imødekommende rejsende igen.
Så snart det nye år nærmer sig, begynder alle at søge efter de billigste lande for at besøge, eller måske de billigste europæiske lande at besøge.
Og for dem fra jer fra den nordlige halvkugle, der ønsker at undslippe kulden, søger du sandsynligvis de bedste steder at rejse i januar. Uanset når du rejser, eller hvor disse værktøjer hjælper dig med at se verden … for mindre.
Se også:
Sådan rejser du verden, når du har absolut ingen penge
Sådan rejser du i et år på $ 5.000
Hus siddende
Jeg kan ikke anbefale hus siddende og kæledyr sidder nok.
Efter min mening er der ingen bedre måde at modtage gratis indkvartering over hele verden. Hvis du kan lide at rejse og elske dyr, så er dette et af de øverste nytårs resolution ideer til dig.
De fleste af husets siddende job er også kæledyrssitting-gigs, hvilket betyder, at du tager sig af en kat, hund, fugl, fisk osv. Mens du bor i en persons hjem.
For boligejere, har nogen passe på deres hjem og kæledyr er fantastisk, da det betyder, at deres pels baby ikke behøver at være i en kennel, mens de er væk, og huset vil være sikkert og godt taget hånd om.
Du vil kunne leve som en lokal, modtage gratis indkvartering og have en furry ven. Typisk vil et køretøj være tilgængeligt til din brug, og i nogle tilfælde vil du også modtage en løn.
Når du leder efter et hus siddende job, vil du sandsynligvis bemærke, at de fleste tilgængelige sider er i Storbritannien, USA, Australien, Canada, Frankrig, Tyskland og New Zealand.
Når det er sagt, har vi kun nogensinde kæledyr sad i tropiske destinationer – Barbados, Grenada og Costa Rica. Plus, we’ve turned down offers in Italy, Qatar, Thailand, Mexico, and Guatemala. Hus siddende job er tilgængelige over hele verden.
Click here to see the available homes and learn more about the most popular house sitting website online. trusted Housesitters is the only site we’ve ever used and we highly recommend it.
Se også:
Trusted House Sitters – Sådan deltager du og får dit første job
House sitting jobs – how To find Sits around The World
10 reasons Why house sitting is The ultimate Job
10 things To Do After You Land Your first Pet sitting Job
Travel Hacking
Another epic way to receive free travel this year (or discounted travel) is to learn about travel hacking.
Some people don’t like the word “hack” as they think it means to scam or cheat, but in reality, there’s nothing illegal